
My Littlest Man

Oh, I love my Jones. He has finally decided to maybe think about crawling. Maybe he is sick of being tackled and scratched and having his binky and toys stolen by his super aggresive and mobile twin sister. He has started the "army scoot" - but... only for a prize. He won't do it unless he has incentive. He's a smart guy, ya know? What a stud. Love him.



Holly Park said...

Yay Jones! He is so handsome! Sounds a lot like my little Luke. We just can't motivate L to crawl for more than about 10 seconds before he buries his head and gives up. Apparently Zach's attacks don't motivate him enough. Maybe we should put him in a room with Maggie.

Dave said...
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Jessica said...

He is a total stud.

Lindsey Lee said...

atta boy Jones! Be aggressive! Its payback time for little Mags. Actually jones couldn't hurt a fly so he will probably always be mister nice guy to mags. Miss him. and you. and mags. and the rest of the bunch.

Mrs. Jones says said...

He and Eli look a little bit alike, don't you think? ... it must be the "Jones" mouth ;) Miss you guys!

Brenna LaPray said...

Wow, he's cute! He sounds like he's such a sweet boy too.