
Why I love my Friends

After having a downer of a day as a mom.. my sweet friends and family always can make me feel better. Love you! Photos by Will. (Notice his lego ship HAD to be in the picture as well) Thanks especially to Kristi for my beautiful flowers and *hello*!! awesome ribbon that I wore all day.





More Caffiene, Please said...

I love you. You're the world's best for sure!

Dave said...

Fo Sho...Mama. Luvya

M.C. Sommers said...

That is the most adorable picture of you!

Holly O. said...

Kristi really is one of the greatest people around!

And my Connor is in morning, but we might still see each other at the school!

Haley Warner said...

M.C... how are you?? How's my old neighborhood? Hows Days Market? :)

Lindsey Lee said...

Totally sister. I bet you cant count how many times i have called you crying for advice on my kids. Hello...best for sure!

Jenny Slingerland said...

You are the best mom! Wait...what does that make me? runner-up?