

My dear friends are moving away. Across the states. To a place called New Joi-sey. I got to see them and their new baby before they leave us. They will have so much fun over there and I will have so much fun visiting.. Happy Travels!







Megan Miley and Chris said...

Holy cow I am in love with that picture of the little girl blowing the dandy lion. Wishing I could just stick my little girl in there and call it good! I would LOVE to have that picture blown up humongous on my wall!

Anne Marie said...

Did Jenny just have a baby....give me a break, not fair! The pictures are awesome and so is the family. Jenny's girls are beautiful! We'll be visiting Jenny soon, right?

Jenny Slingerland said...

You guys BETTER be visiting soon! Thanks for the props Anne! Haley, thanks again!

See you soon in Joi-sey! I already have my first spray tan and fake nail appointment set up so I can try to fit in!

Megan said...

I'll miss her too. Love the pics!

Holly said...

Thanks for the pictures of our sweet kids. We are going to miss them so much--and we are going to miss your great pictures of them. You are wonderful.