
It's a Good Day..

Cole has made the decision to be baptized and I couldn't be a prouder mama. He has learned a lot about baptism the past few months and I know he is ready and will make a great member of the church. We love Cole and can't believe he's 8!!!


L'erin said...

Lordy, i had pumpkin teeth and a grown out perm in MY baptism pic. He is a handsom sucker!

Leah said...

What a sweetie! I hope your baptism day is special! And you video of the crying babies is how I have felt many times....you are not alone....hang in there...it gets better!

Mauri said...

Such a handsome dude!

brit said...

what a handsome guy! that is such a great kid!!! let me know if you want to do little scripture & we can make a afternoon of it:)

Amanda said...

Congratulations Cole!! I cant beleive he is 8 years old already. He is a mini Aaron.

Lindsey Lee said...

Such a cutie...watch out ladies :)

Dave said...

Such a stud/manchild
Congrats.....luvya GPa

Brooke said...

what a looker you have! kitkats almost 7 and its insane to think when she gets baptized.....so sad you are moving btw

Brenna LaPray said...

He is such a handsome boy. I hope you have a fabulous, memorable day!