
CJane's Freedom Photos

The ever festive and Provo loving Courtney (Cjane) is hosting a photo contest over on her Cjane's Guide to Provo Blog. Everyone knows the biggest and best 4th of July celebration happens to be America's Freedom Festival in Provo... so submit your photo from this past Freedom Fest and win a dinner for two to Rooster! Woot woot! Here's my photo.. two cute gals cruisin in style at the Children's Parade.


C. Jane Kendrick said...

I love you.

Todays Give Away said...

Haley, long, long standing fan of your blog. LOVE IT!! Congrats on your beautiful babies, too! They are adorable. Can't wait to see your work when you're back in the swing of things taking pictures again. Please don't rush on our behalf. ;)

I wanted to reach out to you to see if you would be interested in adding our 125X125 button to your site. We for sure wouldn't hesitate to place yours on ours in exchange.

We'd also like to talk to you about doing a give-away too. Please feel free to reply back to us (Miranda or Kerry) at info@todaysgiveaway.net.

Our site is Today's Give Away please feel free to look at it and see what you think.

Kerry and Miranda Haymore