
Baby Headquarters

I believe the nursery is ready, which means... so am I. Ready to rock and roll these babies on out. Both babies are breech and so a c-section will probably be necessary, which makes me really nervous, but whatever. I can do it. Back to the nursery.. so the beautiful artwork was done by my super super awesome friend, Lisa and then the bedding of course was done by Anne Marie. I love how bright and sunshiney it turned out... :)

These damn binky baby bunnies took like 4 years to make.. thanks to my mom for being super seamstress and taking them apart 25 times before they looked decent. Whew.

Semi-organized closest

And here's a sneak peak of Millie Moo's room... still not quite done.. waiting on wallpaper


M.C. Sommers said...

those rooms are ADORABLE! is there anything you can't do? Goodluck with everything~ so exciting!

Lesley said...

um, can I be friends with you and your talented friends too? What an amazing nursery!

Best wishes with the babies...

Lesley said...

um, can I be friends with you and your talented friends too? What an amazing nursery!

Best wishes with the babies...

Lindsay K. said...

How are you feeling? It's probably any day now right? Good luck with everything! I can't wait to see them. We'll have to plan a late summer BBQ after everything calms down.

The nursery is so cute! I haven't done anything with mine. Seeing yours make me want to change some stuff up.

Kara said...

AWESOME!!!!!! these are great!

Katie said...

This all looks so cute! I love the RED closet doors. Good luck with everything!

Amanda said...

wow! this nursery is amazing! i had to have c-sections with both of my kids. it is scary, but you will be fine!

brit said...

so dang darling!!!! i can't wait to see them in person:) hint, hint. by the way... have you driven by my house yet to see my new green?
love them!

Denise said...

Just wanted to wish you the BEST of luck!!! The room looks darling. I was SOOOO nervous about my c-section with the triplets but I thought it was a breeze, I actually preferred it to the traditional delivery. You will do awesome. I can't wait to see pics of your darling new little ones!!!

Heather Jeppsen said...

Love it. Good luck with the twins. You'll do great! Loved the pictures of you pregnant with the kids. You'll treasure those.

Leah said...

so so cute! Those babies will love their colorful room...best of luck to you....c-sec's are not that bad...better to have those babies here safe and healthly...I wish you the best with your new title of twin mommy...can't wait to see them!

Mauri said...

I love it all! I can't wait to see those babes!

wendysue said...

That LVC, genius isn't she? I love, love, love those colors. So ready for the babes. Congrats!

heather telford photography said...

Did you say this is pottery barn or your home??!! JK SO CUTE I am so excited for you!!

Shanna said...

great job coordinating the room for both sexes. I love your style!

M to the E to the R to the I said...

It's okay looking.....

KIDDING!! LOVE IT! And I love Millie Moo's room too!

Rebekah said...

Oh my, it looks SO beautiful!!! I am excited for your little babies to come!

So who you gonna have photograph those little babies?? Wouldn't it be a dream to have Carrie Sandoval photograph them?? Yeah, if you had like $10,000 for photos!

Best of luck with the delivery!

Jessica said...

I love it! Wonderful colors. The baby babes are going to love it!

The Beck's said...

I just came across your blog...so cute. Don't worry about the c-section, that's what I have and I love it! In fact I go in tomorrow for my 2nd. Maybe we'll see you there!

Jenny Slingerland said...

Dying! so so cute! You and Anne make a great team! who knew? Wish I could have seen them in person. Maybe next time someone won't be too busy with children, stress tests, pizza parties, migraines, and neighbors coming through your window, etc, etc.

Love the anniversary photos! Also loved the b-day party pics. Millie is too cute!

Amanda said...

Oh, I love it!! I cant wait to see those little babes!

The Ducketts said...

so cute...LOVE it. I have been praying I am here when you go into labor or schedule that c-section. And not to worry...the c-sections are great...and thats how all the movie stars do it...just think of that!!! Good luck!`

Brenna LaPray said...

Pottery barn kids has a contest for a 1000 dollar gift card. They would like a video of the style of your nursery. I thought of you. I love your nursery! You need to send in a video.
Good job for hanging in there. I can't wait to see pictures of your babies!

Kennell's said...

ALL the rooms are perfect and the csection in NO BIG DEAL!!!! You'll bounce back SO fast! I have had 2 and they are really so easy and quick! HAH!!! Not planned of course, they were also both breech, but had no choice, so I was nervous, but really was nothing to worry about! Congratulations and good luck- can't wait to see their little faces!

Megan said...

Amazing! I love how every detail is perfect and I LOVE the closet doors.