
11 years later...

You'd think from looking at these pictures that we were married in 1982, but really, we were married in 1998.. 11 years ago. I'm thankful that everything worked out and that I was able to steal Aaron from my best friend Anne, (whom she went out with on a blind date once) - She got over it pretty quickly and was married right after me - Thank Heavens. Aaron is perfect for me and makes me a better person.. He has given me 3 of my best little buddies in the world and they absolutely adore their dad... He's pretty cool, ya know? Since I'm stuck at home, I'm sure our anniversary will consist of some yard work, (by Aaron) a little catch with the football, toast and cereal and maybe if we're feeling c-r-a-z-y.. a redbox and caffeine free diet coke after the kids are in bed.


More Caffiene, Please said...

Happy anniversary! I can't believe it's been 11 years!

HeatherK said...

Happy LOVE day you guys!!! We're so excited about your new arrivals. please keep us updated and good luck!!!! Let me know if I can help out in anyway!

Wendski said...

Wow, I can't believe it has been that long. Happy anniversary!

Amanda said...

Happy day!! love you guys! I remember you telling when it was your 6 month anniversary. 11 years already! Thats crazy!

Meg said...

Thanks Haley, and congratulations to 11 years! Beautiful pictures of you and your kids. You look SO great. :)

l.g. mcfifi said...

1982- you make me laugh

Ashlee Raubach said...

You guys are so cute! Time goes by so fast! Can you believe it... you guys will have 5 kids!

photography by Mikki said...

Congrats!!! You looked so stinkin' tiny and gorgeous on your wedding day!

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

I love bringing out wedding pictures! congrats on 11 years!