
My Favorite Little Monkeys

We've returned from the land of warmth and sun and I'm already missing it. I forced the kids to put on their "Easter Best Clothes" for about 3 minutes so I could hopefully get a good shot of them all together.. well, maybe that didn't work out so well, but it was a great effort and I have some fantastic memories of my favorite kiddos in the world. :)

I even jumped in one shot and hid my gigantic belly behind my gigantic family


Carina said...

No fair, I want to see the gigantic belly.

A and R said...

Belly hider!

DARLING kids of course, of course!

Ashley said...

Your family is beautiful. And your dress is so cute. I thought it was just me who had a hard time photographing my own kids. Is it like that for everyone?

Kara said...

Cute!!!!!! I think they are perfecto!

Laura said...

Hi, I'm just a blog stalker. I don't know how I found yours - but I liked the pictures so I kept coming back. I'm a Mom of twins and wish you all the luck. It'll be quite the ride. Mine are turning four on Easter Sunday. Whew.

Joneel said...

The pictures you took are adorable.
You should have shown your belly though.

Haley Warner said...

fine.. if I can get a decent belly shot of me without the fat rolls and double chin showing, I'll post it. :)

Amanda said...

Cutest family!! I cant believe you didn't show off that "huge" belly! Whatever, Haley! You are still half my size and you are pregnant with twins!

Oh and Millie, honestly!! You are so in for it with her, she is so, so beautiful!!!

Meg said...

The third one from the bottom is just beautiful. :) What good lookin' kids you have!

Leah said...

I agree show the twin belly! Your body will never be the same! Your kiddos are gorgeous! I love the close up your daughter...

Lindsey Lee said...

Ok seriously, you have GOT to protect Cole from the girls...he is going to be a serious hottie. Im so lucky to have such cute neices and nephews. love them and you.

Ashlee Raubach said...

Oh my gosh, Haley!!! I am dying! Those are so so beautiful! Love the nice change in location, the blue sky with the red rock.. so pretty! the boys look so handsome, and Milly... oh my gosh... beautiful!

Kami said...

Haley...3 words..."LOVE YOUR SKILLS"!! And what strikingly BEAUTIFUL children you have!! I hope you are doing well? I keep thinking about you. Take care of yourself---as much as you can chasing 3 other kiddos:)

the MRS said...

belly photo please...!!!

Kennell's said...

Yes- I LOVE the belly photos, and also need to find out where you got Millie's cute dress!!!! LOVE IT!! And she looks so darling as always! ALL your kiddos look great- seriously what a fantastic looking family!

Haley Warner said...

Raimers... :) Millie's super expensive, fashionable high end dress is from Target. That's just how we roll.

Kennell's said...

That's how we roll too!! YAY- off I go! Thanks Ha(y)lers!!! :)

M to the E to the R to the I said...

Hey! I want to see that Belly cause aren't pregnant ladies supposed to be all fat and gushy looking? Um, I'm pretty sure you look like ZERO months pregnant, from what I can see. I'm kinda ticked off that you lied to me about being pregnant....that's just rude...if you wanted attention you just could have said so....... ; )

Stephen & April Pett said...

You're kids are soo cute! I hope I hope I get to play with them this summer!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call me if you need any help! However it has to be after the 27th!

Jenny Slingerland said...

I don't care about the belly, I want a shot of the double chin and relief society arms! ;)
You don't even have kankles yet!
Why aren't your kids making you millions in the modeling industry? Something to consider whilst under house arrest!