

I usually save up all the photos I've taken for one whole year and then put together all my books in January... It's fun to look back over a whole year, but lots and lots and lots of work and thousands of pictures. I could have taken my family to Mexico with the amount of money I've spent on Costco Albums and prints. I was just looking through last July's pics and these made me happy for the summer which is still yet to come. There will be two new babies by the time July rolls around and we will be home a lot, but that is good. I am excited.


Dave said...

Haley, those pics are so good. There is one thing missing however, GRANDPA DAVE......

Good Vibes!!!!!

Dkole said...

I really don't think your kids could be any cuter. Makes me long for summer too.

Dkole said...

I really don't think your kids could be any cuter. Makes me long for summer too.

Anonymous said...

Love summer time! That last pic of your lil guys laughter. Soo sweet. I feel I can hear that giggle.

Amanda said...

I miss summer!! Thanks for the chat today :)

Jenny Slingerland said...

I heart your family!