
Did I mention...??

The two little peanuts in my belly (which are no longer peanuts.. really) are a boy and a girl. They are healthy and rolling around on top of each other in my body. We are so happy and feel very blessed to know that all is well with them this far. Thanks to everyone for being so kind and sending me all sorts of much needed advice and prayers. :)


~MeLiSsA~ said...

Ahhh... congrats Haley! What a blessing for you and your family!!!

Wish we could have met and had you do our family pictures. Maybe when we are visiting Stefanie we can all get together. I am hoping to be up there in April for spring break.

Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!


Deb Lamb said...

So wonderful Haley! We are so happy for your family.

Brooke said...

you should post some pics of your cute belly! Have you talked to Garrett & Anne lately?

A and R said...

Hooray for boy/girl twins!! I love you!

More Caffiene, Please said...

That is so exciting, I can't stand it. So glad it went well today. :-)

Kara said...

yeah Sweet little milley will have a sister!! you my dear are so cute! do we get belly bump pictures soon???

Jessica said...

How perfect...one of each! I'm so glad the three of you are doing well. Since I've only been pregnant once and it was with twins, have you noticed an increase in baby kicks and movement? It's such an exciting sensation to have eight limbs flail at once in your belly! Which one is baby A?

Erin said...

That is so great. I am glad everything is going well.

Kris and Corissa said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Leah said...

YAY! How fun to have both genders! WHOO HOO! Take care of yourself and don't work too hard...twin pregnancy is different that's for sure....I hope your camera didn't get ruined in the blizzard shoot.

Shanna said...

I swear lately everyone is having twins and everyone that is, is having a boy and a girl. That is so neat and I am so excited for you guys. you get to have both sexes that is so fun! You will do great!

Annie. said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Good luck with the pregnancy - I wish you only the best.

M to the E to the R to the I said...

SAWEEETT! ( That is sweet, but pretend like a surfer dude said it). CONGRATS! How cool, no stupid girls twin issues about who is better looking, etc. PERFECT! Good job. I am glad all is well!

Kennell's said...

YAY!!!! Perfect!

l.g. mcfifi said...

That works!

Kristina Curtis said...

congratulations! I love your blog btw! I used to work with your sister and since then I love looking at your blog. I am a new photographer and you are such a inspiration! Thank you.!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah!!! how perfect! less fighting over the same toys, friends, clothes, etc...how fun! Im so happy for you!!!

Meg said...

Congrats Haley! That is so cool. :)

missliss5/Melissa said...

I've always thought a boy and a girl for twins would be perfect. What exciting news. Congratulations!

Holly Park said...

And BTW, congrats!! I am hoping Aaron passed along our well wishes through Matt--we are excited for you guys! It is a bit overwhelming to comprehend, but so great!