
TWO more?

wow. really. advice and prayers requested. :)


Dkole said...

Shut the front DOOR!!! That is awesome! You can do it. You are amazing! Good thing you went in to early retirement. I will pray for you though. I can totally come help you too. I would love to. Millie and Lola could play and the boys could play with Nash. I hope you are feeling all right. Oh bless you. You are a saint!

Mauri said...

Yay for twinners! I keep hoping for twins in our family, but it hasn't happened yet! I'm sure you'll do amazing with these new babes! Congrats!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

i dont know you..but i like to come here to be inspired once in a while...congratulations on twins! double the blessings...oh and (good luck too!)

~j. said...


Jana said...

YAY! I'm so excited for you!!! You will be great! Now you get two squishy faces to kiss all at the same time. :)

Carina said...


That's so amazing!

Ashli Miller said...

This is Ashli from the good old days at For Every Body. I've been blog stalking you for a while, because I think your photos are amazing and inspiring. Anyway, my twins are almost 3, and I have to say I am so excited for you! I won't lie and say that having twin newborns is easy, but after 6 months, it is truly amazing! There is nothing like witnessing the bond of twins as they grow up!Good luck!

A and R said...

So awesome!
I'm here for you girl!

brit said...

i am dying for you right now!!!!! i am super excited to you & aaron too! i am calling you this week & we will have to chat! congrats & good luck:)

heather telford photography said...

WHAT!! I didnt even know you were pregnant!! That is SO exciting!! Congrats twins?? What a fun adventure!!

lramey said...

holy.freaking.crap!!!! that's insane-o!!! wowsers! congratulations!!!! good thing you decided to "slow down" on the photog front huh???? wow, I'm dying!!!!!

Jane said...

Haley, congrats! I can't believe it, and here you were laying on the ground, crouching down, lifting heavy camera stuff, all the while your TWO darling little ones were baking in your oven. So happy for you and your cute little family. Thanks for being an amazing photographer! I hope everything goes well with the pregnancy. When is your due date? If it's any consolation, my sister has '2' sets of twins. So one sounds great, eh!!! Love ya!

More Caffiene, Please said...

I love it. If it's two girls, may I suggest Arlena and Arvilla after grandma and her sis?

Lindsey said...

Holy Flip! WOW! Congrats. That is awesome. I can give no advice, but plenty of prayers! :) Ty is a twin and he thinks it is great, they keep each other out of trouble (and get each other into it). Good luck. You'll be great.

Fuller Family said...

Wow! That is so exciting Haley. I can't believe you guys will be having twins! It is prefect timing to start slowing down on photography. You are going to have your hands full! Congratulations! I am thrilled for you guys!

Ashlee Raubach said...

Holy Cow!!! That is sooo awesome!!! Im so happy for you! WOW! I just truly admire moms with twins, especially when you already have 3, your such a good mom, you'll do such a great job! I hope your not sick?!
Enjoy your break, and rest....if possible!

Amanda said...

I heart you Haley! And this news and I am still so excited for you I can't stand it.

The Ducketts said...

Oh my gosh Haley....that is so fun!!!! You will be so freakin cute with twins and think of the cute pictures you are going to get of them! That is awesome, I am happy for you!!!

Kennell's said...

Congratulations! You are going to be a very busy girl! But although I don't know you personally (yet:)) I think this is just another wonderful achievement that you will add to your belt(or tummy?) This is soooooo cool- my brother and his wife have one of each, and you'll have the big brothers and sisters as BIG helpers~~ Congratulations again! What a Blessing:)

Jessica said...

Wow, twins! You are SO lucky. I love, love, LOVE having twins, they are such a blessing. If you want to talk about the joys and challenges of caring for twins, please call or email! Also, I found this site HUGELY helpful: twinstuff.com, which is a forum/messageboard for women expecting twins and who have had twins.

I'm still amazed...both of us with twins! Did you know my sister had twins too? She had two girls and I had two boys.

Anyway, congrats again on this enormously exciting and wonderful news!


I have so many questions...was anyone with you when you had this initial sonogram? What was your reaction?

Shanna said...

my sister Brenna and her husband Luke are good friends with Aaron in high school. They too had twins making #4 and 5 one boy and girl..AKA Cassidy and Cole. Brenna would be a good one to talk too. Her blog if you just want to look at her twins is laprayfamily.blogspot.com. She only came 11 days early!

you will love it!

Betina said...

Holy Moley! Merry Christmas to you guys!


Leah said...

I am one of your biggest fans down here in Az...and just had to say congrats! Twins are so fun and only a little bit more work....well sort of. I have 3 year old fraternal girls and am expecting my 2nd set of twins right now. CRAZY! But I think the Lord know who to send them too....you will do awesome! Congrats...take care of yourself for sure! A fun twin website if you have lots of extra hours is www.twinstuff.com
Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...


You and your family must be so excited !

The very best to you all.

Gezina SHaw-Butler.

Mary and Ryan said...

That is sooooooo exciting!!!! Congrats, you are amazing and will be able to handle it just fine:)

Lacy said...

Congrats!! Holy crap. I have anxiety for you. Just kidding, you are going to be great!!

~MeLiSsA~ said...

Congratulations Haley!

What a miracle, I agree with a earlier post, God only gives you what you can handle. Thats why I dont have twins. :) Even though I only know you through Stef and your blog, I am super excited for you.

Melissa White

Brenna LaPray said...

Congrats!! I am so excited for you. It does change your life and you will be busy but it is the most amazing blessing you will ever receive. Your older kids will help out a lot more than you think. I would love to chat. I'm not sure if my advice will help but I would be glad to share. You two will do fine. When are you due? Please email me at brennalapray@hotmail.com. Good luck!

l.g. mcfifi said...

I love ultrasound pictures. That is so wonderful- I hope one is a girl! For Millie- Congrats! when are you due? you are in such good shape you will do fine.

6 P's in a Pod said...

I can't think of anyone else that could do it better...

Haley said...

Congratulations! How exciting is having a baby and twins is just double the excitement! I hope the pregnancy runs smoothly and the babies do well! Spend lots of times with your little ones until the big arrival! Good luck and don't worry...everything will be fine!

<3 Haley

heather telford photography said...

Hey Haley I was wondering how to get pictures big on your blog?? Like when I try to resize mine i cant figure it out? I am retarded!! I know your way busy but if you could email me sometime i would love that.. thanks..



Lance and Becky said...

Oh my FUN! You will be so fantastic, and congrats! Man, and I felt over whelmed...what the heck was I thinking! If anyone can do it, and do it perfectly it's you Haley :)

Jody said...

Can you get anymore comments? Wow is all I can say. I can't handle the three I have. Many prayers going up for you.

AlliSMiles said...

congratulations! i am so jealous.

I'm wondering if you allow people to shadow you...are you shooting at all in december?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You will do this like you do everything. Perfectly! Congratulations.

Pam said...

I'm a lurker here and don't know you but love your blog and love your photography. Just wanted to say Congrats! I have triplets and really they are so fun, lots of work, but they keep life fun and interesting! You'll love watching your babies interact with eachother, that's my fave.

Brooke said...

no freaking way! these are YOURS RIGHT congrats and um when I was younger and I always wanted twins...well now that I have kids they are the last thing in the world.. and not if you already have a housefull :) best wishes really :) but think of all the cute pics you can get

M to the E to the R to the I said...

Like we talked about earlier today. W-O-W. Millie needs to come play fo shizzle now.

M to the E to the R to the I said...

Like we talked about earlier today. W-O-W. Millie needs to come play fo shizzle now.

Lindsay K. said...

Congrats Haley! I'm so excited for you. If anybody can do it, it would be you!! They will be the cutest twinners ever.

HeatherK said...

Wow Haley!!! That is the best news.. you have the cutest kids! Ryan and I are so happy for your guys! Keep us posted! due date, gender.. everything!

L'erin said...

WTF i don't visit your page for a few days and you gon and get yourself knocked up. Double knocked. I'm so excited for you! You don;t give yourself enough credit, you are adorable and i know you are a great mom w/o even seeing you w/ your offspring.

Kate Benson said...

My jaw just dropped... seriously? Oh girl, I'll pray for you. Time to hire a nanny. But really, congrats, a double that is!

Hayley Anderson Photography said...


That must have been quite the surprise! I have two cousins that have twins and they say that it's so fun and neat to see how they interact and have their own little way of communicating with each other. One of them even said she wished she could have twins every time! I'm sure it will be a lot of work, but so worth it...

Jen Bird said...

I heard the news from Rachel! That is so exciting! Congrats! I'm sure they'll be darling!

Nate And Bobby Jo said...

Haley I am so jelous, I want twins so bad. Congrats I know that you be great with them and they will be so stinkin cute!

Stephen & April Pett said...

YAY!! Congratulations!!

Davina said...

I have twins and it's wonderful! How totally exciting for you!!! You're going to love it...