
Mi Familia

Can I just say how blessed I am to have such an amazingly talented, beautiful, kind and intelligent family? I love them so much and this past week was just what I needed as we spent time together as a family in California. My parents and siblings mean the world to me, as well as their children and spouses. Plus, my own little family.. what would I do without my Aaron and our kiddies? We took these pics spur of the moment in Newport one night when we had about 15 minutes to go before sundown. They aren't the most perfect pics in the world, but they are (and will be) a wonderful memory.. Love you guys!


Angela Fielding said...

I think those turned out so beautiful!

Shannon & Summer said...

love all the pics and your fam too!

Mary and Ryan said...

What a great family you have!! I love the pictures they are beautiful!!

Dave said...

Mom and I loved the trip and time together more than you can imagine. We are the ones that are so blessed to have such a wonderful, talened and amazing family. The kids were awesome and such troopers being drug around d-world and C-Adventure for 3 solid days. Thanks to: Aaron, Haley, Cole, Will, Millie, Blake, Kass, Shelby, Tyson, Lindsey, Reggie and espically Leslee for the making the trip so much fun!!!

Love all you guys!!

Kara said...


Lindsey Lee said...

Love them...besides for the fact i look preggo in our family pic. what?!
Get your season passes renewed so we can do it again next year.

l.g. mcfifi said...

Rock on is right Haley- those are wonderful pictures of your whole family- what a nice lookin'(I mean it)group of people

More Caffiene, Please said...

These pictures are so beautiful. And I got all choked up at the pictures of all the cousins - it's like dejavu from 25 years ago at KOA! (You've stepped up the location a bit.)

Heather Gibb said...

What a beautiful family you have!! You are darling! I'm hoping to attempt my own family photos on the beach in Oct!! I love the last shot of the 2 girls walking and your processing is very cool!! Good luck as fall approaches :)!