
Erica and Sam: The Wedding

I don't go to Manti that often, but when I do, I'm always surprised at how much I love it there. Erica and Sam were the only couple getting married that day in Manti. They got lots of attention and had the Temple all to themselves. I love this couple lots and I know that WHENEVER they decide to have children, the world will be a better place.. filled with beauty and brains! :)


Sarah said...

Just stumbled upon your blog...I LOVE the look of your wedding photos. Beautiful and old-fashioned! You are very talented!

Erin said...

Beautiful wedding. Great photos. I love the Manti temple. That is where I got married. It is so pretty and laid back there.


I'm a lurker but I had to put in a plug for Manti. I'm from there and we were married in the Manti Temple. Go Manti!! Great pictures!

Meg said...

Haley, these photos are awesome! So beautiful. I of course love the couple and the family. :) Great ring shot too!

Kara said...

You never stop amazing me! OH And Linds you look hot in Yellow!

Tiffany Izatt said...

what a great wedding, thats awesome they had the whole temple...it truly was their day..i love the ring shots!

Jody said...

love the kissing one under the tree!

Kellee Smith said...

Oh I love this wedding. I love the bride, she is so beautiful. Her dress was so beautiful!

As the pictures go amazing. I love your tone and the overall feel!

Keeping Amber Entertained said...

I just wanted to tell you that I love your work. It is beautiful!