Happy Happy Birthday to my big 6 year old Cole! We wouldn't be able to get from day to day without Cole's help.. he is the best! He is also a mini rock star in the making, so we surprised him and he got an electric guitar with a matching cake for his big day!
Okay, that is the cutest. I need a Cole at my house. Just the other day CJ told Chad he wanted to be a rockstar and to not be afraid of rockstars because "they are super fun, dad." Chad said, yes, I know that from your mom....
how cute cakes and photos you are hired! My suggestion stay away from drums they are terribly noisey!
I love the cake Haley, good job woman! Lance's Birthday (baby Lance) is on Wed, and I so don't know what cake to make him yet??? Cole seriously looks like a mini Blake, and from the guitar he probably acts like him too. Lance and Blake love guitar hero, it's funny!
Brynn loved the party! Thank you for always having her over to play!
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