
My Fab Five

I tortured my kids (and Aaron) for a whole 10 minutes a few weeks ago after church to document that I do in fact have 5 children now. I really wanted to see them all together and be a proud mama for a minute.. even though some don't have pants on, some don't have shirts on and one little boy in particular forgot to do up his fly.. he he.


Hip Hip Hooray for the Hensons!

Every day I have some extra special helpers that show up at my house... my parents. They are the most kind people I know. They have been doing my laundry, fixing EVERYTHING, cleaning EVERYTHING, cooking EVERYTHING... AND feeding, holding, burping and soothing crying babies. They have been so good to my older kids too.. taking them on fun little outings and having sleepovers. Grandpa Dave even built us our very own tire swing in the backyard. Now I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad and I hate to be the one to tell it like it is, but my parents are as good as it gets (as far as parents go.) No one has it better than me. I am so grateful for them and know that they will be there for me all the way, especially when things get hard.. (cause I know they will!) I love you guys!


What my summer looks like....

Long, late mornings in bed...
Lots of cold cereal... (we've been known to enjoy rice krispies, chex, kashi & shredded wheat)
Learning to swim...
Plenty of backyard time...
Evening walks and talks on the porch...
Daily visits from Grandma Les and Grandpa Dave...
Bike rides...
KoolAid Mustaches...
Popsicles (duh)...
Snuggling babies :)


CJane's Freedom Photos

The ever festive and Provo loving Courtney (Cjane) is hosting a photo contest over on her Cjane's Guide to Provo Blog. Everyone knows the biggest and best 4th of July celebration happens to be America's Freedom Festival in Provo... so submit your photo from this past Freedom Fest and win a dinner for two to Rooster! Woot woot! Here's my photo.. two cute gals cruisin in style at the Children's Parade.


3 Weeks!

The wee little ones are 3 weeks old already. They still look and act as if they were born 2 hours ago! I love that they are still itsy bitsy and that they sleep the days (and most nights) away. I am, however, looking forward to chubby cheeks and smiles (non-gassy ones.) Everyone keeps asking my how I'm doing, "really.. how ARE you, really? Are you OKAY?"
I am perfectly great.. I am so enjoying these days with my babies and even my other kids who are lately pretty obnoxious. I don't want ANYONE to get any older.. I want to figure out how to freeze time. sigh.