I went in to the hospital for my weekly NST and Ultrasound and ended up delivering two sweet tiny babies. The Perinatoligist was concerned that the babies were not growing at the rate they should have been. She said there were a few things that could be happening: genetics, (small babies) or the placenta or cord not functioning properly. She called my doctor and basically talked him into taking the babies right then. I was able to go home and pack a few things, get my other kids taken care of and then head back to the hospital. Within a few hours, the babes were delivered by cesarian, (both were still breech) - It all happened so fast, but everything went perfectly. Neither baby needed to spend any time in the NICU, they were both taken straight to the nursery. It was such a blessing to have them be healthy.. although small. I'm so thankful for ALL the kind words and support and advice and positive stories that have been sent my way. It means so much to me and I'll try to pay it forward the best I can. Every moment is a new learning experience, figuring out how to take care of 5 small children and how to make sure each one feels loved enough.. I know why I'm here on earth, without a doubt, I'm here to be a mother and as hard and frustrating and challenging as it may be, it's totally worth it.
My parents and sister helped me ATTEMPT to take a few pics the other day.. the babes are still so small and alien-ish that it was a bit awkward, but we sneaked out a handful of cute ones. I'll try again when they have a little more meat on their bones. :)