
Baby Headquarters

I believe the nursery is ready, which means... so am I. Ready to rock and roll these babies on out. Both babies are breech and so a c-section will probably be necessary, which makes me really nervous, but whatever. I can do it. Back to the nursery.. so the beautiful artwork was done by my super super awesome friend, Lisa and then the bedding of course was done by Anne Marie. I love how bright and sunshiney it turned out... :)

These damn binky baby bunnies took like 4 years to make.. thanks to my mom for being super seamstress and taking them apart 25 times before they looked decent. Whew.

Semi-organized closest

And here's a sneak peak of Millie Moo's room... still not quite done.. waiting on wallpaper


My Tough Teammate & the Wasatch Back

One of my favorite experiences from last June was the Wasatch Back race that I ran with my family and several great friends. As this year's race approaches, (less than one month!) I have mixed emotions...
a)I won't be participating because I will be running a marathon from the delivery room
as I give birth to my two babies.. (can't wait!!)
b)The babies and the race are "due" the exact same day(s)
c)This year's team will be running in honor of our tough and unstoppable teammate from last year, Stephanie, who won't be able to run this year, but is planning on next year!! (Along with her hubby, Christian)
I am so thankful for Stephanie's example to all of us of facing adversity.. getting up every morning to a challenging situation, facing it and moving forward. She is truly inspiring and I thank her for helping me put things into perspective and teaching me how to gracefully deal with the challenges, oppositions and life changing events that have and will come my way.
"When it is dark enough, you can then see the stars"

Steph and Linds from last week

Here are a few pics from last years race.. awwwww, good memories
The team, finished!

Big Dave and Steph

Mama Leslee

Meredith, Linds, Steph

Me, all tuckered out


11 years later...

You'd think from looking at these pictures that we were married in 1982, but really, we were married in 1998.. 11 years ago. I'm thankful that everything worked out and that I was able to steal Aaron from my best friend Anne, (whom she went out with on a blind date once) - She got over it pretty quickly and was married right after me - Thank Heavens. Aaron is perfect for me and makes me a better person.. He has given me 3 of my best little buddies in the world and they absolutely adore their dad... He's pretty cool, ya know? Since I'm stuck at home, I'm sure our anniversary will consist of some yard work, (by Aaron) a little catch with the football, toast and cereal and maybe if we're feeling c-r-a-z-y.. a redbox and caffeine free diet coke after the kids are in bed.


Happy BDay Millie (better late than never)

Millie had a birthday WAY back in April and as a blogging mother, isn't it a rule you have to post their bday pictures? Well, it seems like it's a rule or else you're a neglectful and lazy mom.. so happy late bday Millie.. we love you.
Special Thanks to Mom who was kind enough to come to Millie's Princess Tea Party dressed as Snow White, even though the wig was so scary you couldn't take your eyes off it.. and for making the goodie bags and bringing the cake and cleaning up and staying at my house all day while I contracted and hosted bday celebrations.

We upgraded the belly princess dress to a little more classy Aurora ensemble