
Candy, Trees, Lights, more candy..

Every year in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Hensons have the annual Gingerbread making, light viewing weekend. We make a complete disaster of Grandma Leslee's house and then load into Grandpa Dave's truck, (yes, the back of the truck) and go see the Christmas lights. So much Christmas spirit is felt, that usually one or more of the kids end up crying and we leave early and go to bed. It's the best. :) Here are some of the highlights:
Will trying to decide which part of the house to eat next
Kass giving me her "put that damn camera away" fake smile

The houses with the winners posted on stick it notes

Great grandma Patty going to town on her house

I spray painted my tree silver this year as an experiment and I'm pleasantly surprised with the results. It turned out looking a bit frosty, not so much flocked, but frosted.


Things to do in Wintertime

The other night when it was blizzarding outside, we ran out to the cul de sac and played.. cousin Owen came over too. Doesn't our house look extra cute with the snowy trees?Do you like Millster's Bob the builder boots? Thanks to Brother Will for lending -

We also whipped out the messiest stuff we could find.. paint


Leslie and Kyle: The Wedding

So there are lots of reasons why I loved this wedding.. the first, of course, being that this wedding was at the PROVO Temple! Can you believe it? The PROVO Temple. I love shooting there.. no one around except a few missionaries.. the couple gets the royal treatment because all the temple workers are on cloud nine seeing a bride and groom.. it's the best. Second reason, the dinner was at the Coleman Studios in Provo.. love that place.. the brick walls, the sky lights, the art. AND, the flowers were gorgeous which is always good. :)

These missionaries are thinking, "oh, this will be me in 6 months if my sweetheart Amy keeps writing me, I miss her so much.. "

Who knew there was an orange and pink wall downtown?

So fun.. a kids only table where they could scrapbook pages for Leslie and Kyle